Besides our family riding horses together is probably what we miss the most, we had to make time for this during our visit. Everyone had a great time, Anna actually let go of the horn and smiled at the same time. Hopefully we can get horses to SD soon.
The McCormick Family Easter Egg Hunt, it was a great success. The only hitch was that Tippy (Tana and Scott's dog) ate some of the eggs before the kids got out there.
Johnson Family Easter Egg Hunt, was also successful. No dogs at this event but the kids were challenged with questions and activities in order to get their prizes. Doesn't Grandma J look HOT!
Is Chadd expecting TOO? |
The kids ate bird nest's they made for dessert, the adults got pie. I think we did much better.
We also had an egg hunt with the Alder family Sunday night, but I didn't get any pictures because by then I got lazy with my camera. We did have tons of fun with all the cousins. We all had great time in Utah, when we drove home Monday we were totally exhausted, it was a long trip home. Thanks to all those who took time out to spend a minute with us and for planning all the activities. Thanks to Andrea who planned our friend get together on Friday, it was cold but so good to see everyone.