Sunday, March 31, 2013


Coloring eggs

the big hunt

the friends

the race

dad's buddies

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Horseback riding at Grandpa Brad's

The big ride in the new barn

Busy March

Dad and Ty watching the horse show on the computer

Crazy hair day at school

Crazy hat day at school

Ty sitting in a bowl

Hair cuts

Meg's new gymnastics trick

Ty helping mom at therapy

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Anna's Strings in Concert

Anna's survived her second big concert, even though she tripped on her way to rehersal, broke her shoe and her bow, we had to make an emergency trip to Haggerty's music store, then forgot our tickets and had to run back home after we dropped her off, through a snowstorm.  Luckily we sat down just as they were starting and enjoyed a beautiful concert.  Anna's best achievement was moving from 50th chair last year to 11th chair this year.  She does a wonderful job.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bears and Pinewood Derby's

Lex recieved his Bear award, we are so proud.

The next day was the big pinewood derby.

Ty's loves treats

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Watiki's water park

"Grandpa Brad and Grandma Jayne" gave us waterpark passes for Christmas, we had so much fun. 

This was mom, Ty and Clara's favorite spot, the hot tub

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sledding at Bilka's cabin

We were invited to go sledding at "Grandpa Brad's" cabin, it has a great hill.  We had a lot of fun.